From birth to two years of age, a baby is just beginning its life, but it is also the stage when development is most rapid. At this stage, it is important to offer the child toys with bright colours, rushed textures and versatility so that they can adapt to the needs of the baby. Wooden toys are one of the best because they are natural. KateHaa puts forward three wooden toys as the most suitable for 0-2 years:

The most positive feature of the Montessori rocker is that it adapts to the needs of the child. The kid can climb on it, crawl under it and swing in it. On the other hand, the triangle is a stable helper to support the child, just like the Montessori rocker, the triangle also provides opportunities for the child to climb, support and crawl underneath.

The balance board can be used as a support when folded on the other side, but mothers can also use this board when the little one needs to be put to sleep. When you climb up and take the baby in your arms, mom easily lull the baby, creating a sense of security and a harmonious environment for him.
KateHaa's main emphasis in toys is their practicality, multi-functionality and colours. These are also the main things that help the child to develop successfully. However, parents should keep in mind that each child develops at an individual rate, so the main thing is not to compare children with each other. Help while the child plays, this support the development of social abilities, which KateHaa also advocates - for families to be together and spend more quality time together to strengthen the baby's interest, sociality and stimulate him for further development.