People want to personalize things and gifts more and more. Maybe it is just a trend, but maybe it is a way to express oneself and give the gift personification. When making wooden toys, KateHaa has noticed that, mostly, customers choose to engrave names and nicknames, however sometimes a larger engraving object comes along.
KateHaa has been offering laser engraving since the foundation of the company, but we are only now starting to offer it to a wider audience. We can engrave, starting with letters, ending with drawings. The only thing to consider is that the maximum engraving width is 20cm, but the height is adjusted for each engraving individually. Regardless of the engraving space, the price for all print works is the same: 8 euros. It includes pattern development, program setup and printing; so from the design to the finished product. We can offer engraving for Climbing cubes, Montessori rockers and Balance boards.
Take a look at our website, choose a toy and let us know about your fancy print design. Give us your idea and we will make the dream of a personalized gift come true with KateHaa wooden toys.